Thursday, 30 July 2015

Hello Kitty Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Commemorative Plates

To celebrate 40 years of Hello Kitty, the brand has released commemorative plates the iconic mascot. Hello Kitty is one of the most iconic Japanese brands, it is only appropriate that for their 40th anniversary that the brand image would be heavily promoted. These plates were part of a POS display found in many convenience stores and were offered as part of a purchase with purchase promotion.
Hello Kitty Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Commemorative Plates
Purchase with purchase promotions allow for a brand to partner with stores for promotions, this a mutual gain for Hello Kitty and the convenience stores where their products are sold. Alongside this is the POS display, which is neat and with attention focused on the promotional plate. A customer, noticing the attractive POS display, will be required to make a purchase first with the convenience store, then they can purchase the Hello Kitty promotional plate.

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